Arizona Contractors License Exams
Listed below are home study kits we currently offer for the State of Arizona. If you don't see your exam on this page it means that we don't cover it. Please use our contact page for any special requests and we will do our best to add it as soon as possible.
arizona General Contractors License Information
arizona requires that you also pass the standard statutes and rules exam
The State of Arizona requires Commercial and Residential construction license when the contract exceeds $1,000.00 or if the work requires a building permit. Most applicants are required to have 4 years of verifiable experience and must pass the Arizona Statutes and Rules Exam in addition to the specific desired trade classification exam. The License Classification Requirements form provides specific license information as to number of years of experience applicants must have prior to applying. Candidates are required to pass two examinations: Statutes and Rules and the trade, unless eligible for a waiver. Applicants must pass the required examinations by at least 70%. Applicants can register to take an exam through PSI Exams Online. You must include the required fees with your License Application form. You can complete and submit a License Application Form to the Registrar either by mailing the application to: Registrar of Contractors, P.O. Box 6748, Phoenix, AZ 85005-6748 or by delivering in person to: 1700 W. Washington Street, Suite 105, Phoenix, AZ 85007-2812
arizona General Contractors Exam Study Kit
available 24/7 from any device. Supports Windows/Mac/Linux. Internet connection is required.
The trade portion of the home study kit consists of hundreds of practice exam questions relating to specific trade and are also broken into 100 practice questions exam sessions. Each practice exam covers both state specific and general content, building code references, contractors math, related formulas, safety, and blueprint reading etc. The Statutes and Rules part of the contractors exam is required for all first time applicants in addition to taking the trade exam. Our Statutes and Rules portion of the kit provides you with hundreds of practice exam questions that are broken into 100 practice questions exam sessions. Most applicants have a harder time passing the Statutes and Rules portion of the exam, which is why we cover specific state laws, tax laws, financial management, managing administative duties, business math, estimating and bidding, conducting accounting functions, liens, business organizations, to contracts, employment regulations, safety, record keeping and reporting.
24/7 Interactive Online Exams
Arizona contractors license practice exams can be retaken unlimited times for one year. Each eam session is interactive and displays the correct/incorrect answers with detailed explanations and total score. Supports mobile devices on Windows/Mac/Linux. Internet connection is required.
Supports Windows/Mac/Linux. Internet connection is required.